10 Animals with Unique Blood: Blue, Green, Yellow and Purple
Octopuses and Squids These intelligent invertebrates have copper-based hemocyanin in their blood, giving it a bluish hue. Hemocyanin binds oxygen less efficiently than hemoglobin,
New Guinea Skink This lizard boasts bright green blood due to high levels of biliverdin, a bile pigment.
Glass Frogs These amphibians have translucent skin that reveals their internal organs, including their clear blood vessels.
Clingfish While not entirely yellow, the blood of these fish appears slightly yellowish due to the presence of bilirubin, another bile pigment.
Brachiopods These marine invertebrates have a unique copper-based pigment in their blood that gives it a purplish color.
Spiders These eight-legged wonders share the blue blood trait with other arthropods due to hemocyanin.