10 Fruit Juices to Reduce Belly Fat Naturally

Pineapple Juice  Contains bromelain, an enzyme that aids digestion and reduces bloating.

Watermelon Juice  Low in calories, hydrating, and rich in antioxidants.

Orange Juice  Packed with vitamin C, an antioxidant that supports immune health.

Grapefruit Juice  Known for its potential fat-burning properties..

Apple Juice  High in fiber (if made from whole apples) and antioxidants.

Lemon Juice  Aids digestion, boosts metabolism, and is low in calories.

Berry Juice  Rich in antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins.

Pomegranate Juice  Packed with antioxidants and may help control blood sugar levels.

Cucumber Juice  Hydrating, low in calories, and helps flush out toxins.