8 Animals that don't Drink Water
This antelope has long legs to stay out of the heat and can tolerate high body temperatures.
Spiny Mouse
This small rodent has adapted to survive in deserts by producing concentrated urine and reducing water loss through its skin.
Fennec Fox
This desert fox has large ears to help dissipate heat and conserve water. It also gets most of its water from its prey.
Kangaroo Rat
This desert dweller gets all the water it needs from the seeds it eats. Its kidneys are incredibly efficient at conserving water.
8 Birds with the Most Unique and Funny Names
Desert Tortoise
This reptile obtains water from the vegetation it eats and can absorb water through its skin during rain.
While camels can go without water for extended periods, they do eventually need to drink. They store water in their blood, not their humps.
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