Some species are notable for their voracious appetites, consuming prey that belies their size.

Dino Diet: 8 lizards that out-eat their size

Komodo Dragon:  While not strictly a lizard in the traditional sense, Komodo dragons are renowned for their ability to take down prey much larger than themselves.

Monitor Lizards:  Several species, like the Nile monitor, are opportunistic feeders that can consume surprisingly large amounts of food.

Gila Monster:  This venomous lizard is known for its voracious appetite and ability to consume prey larger than its head.

Bearded Dragon:  Though typically herbivorous, these lizards can become surprisingly carnivorous when given the opportunity.

Chameleons:  While known for their slow metabolism, some larger species can consume insects at a rapid pace.

Iguanas:  These herbivores may not seem like big eaters, but they consume a massive amount of vegetation daily.

Geckos:  While small, some geckos have specialized diets that require them to consume large quantities of insects.

Skinks:  This diverse group includes species with varied diets, some of which may consume prey disproportionate to their size.

Here are the top 9 largest snake species in the world, based on their maximum recorded lengths and weights