Recognizing Symptoms Key symptoms to watch for: rash, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and others. Differences between monkeypox and similar illnesses like chickenpox or smallpox.

Preventative Measures Importance of hygiene: frequent handwashing, using hand sanitizers, and avoiding contact with contaminated surfaces.

Vaccination and Medical Prevention Information on available vaccines and their effectiveness. Recommendations for vaccination for at-risk groups.

 Safe Practices Around Infected IndividualsGuidelines for caring for someone with monkeypox, including wearing protective gear and isolating the patient.

Travel and Public Spaces  Precautions to take when traveling or in crowded places. Steps to minimize risk in public settings.

Cleaning and Disinfection  Effective cleaning protocols for home and public areas.  Recommendations for disinfecting surfaces and handling contaminated items.

Managing Exposure Risks  Identifying high-risk environments and behaviors.  Strategies for reducing exposure and preventing spread.

What to Do If You’re Infected  Steps to take if you suspect you have monkeypox, including seeking medical advice and isolating yourself.