While this recipe aims to be protein-rich, it's important to note that besan halwa is a sweet dish primarily made for taste and religious observance during Sawan. For a complete protein-rich diet,...

Prepnuts the Dry roast almonds and pistachios in a pan until golden brown. Let them cool completely before chopping them roughly.

Roast the besan  Add besan and almond flour to the hot ghee. Stir continuously to avoid lumps. Roast until it turns golden brown and fragrant.

Add sweetness  Gradually add sugar or jaggery to the roasted mixture. Stir well until it melts completely.

Add nuts and cardamom Toss in the roasted almonds, pistachios, and a sprinkle of cardamom powder. Stir gently to coat the nuts evenly in the ghee.

Milk and flavor  Pour milk into the pan and mix well. Let it cook for a minute or two until the raw flavor of besan disappears..