Sibudu Cave  (South Africa) - About 77,000 years old. It has provided insights into early human behavior and the use of complex tools.

La Cueva de los Manos (Argentina) Approximately 13,000 years old. Famous for its stenciled handprints and paintings, it offers insights into early human art.

 Altamira Cave (Spain) Approximately 36,000 years old. Known for its polychrome rock paintings of bison and other animals.

Chauvet Cave (France) About 36,000 years old. Features some of the earliest known cave paintings, including images of animals and abstract symbols.

Lascaux Caves (France) - Around 17,000 years old. Renowned for their Paleolithic cave paintings depicting large animals.

Pech Merle (France) - Around 25,000 years old. Noted for its unique paintings, including a depiction of a horse with spots and handprints.

Cave of El Castillo  (Spain) - Approximately 40,000 years old. It contains some of the earliest known cave art in Europe.

Aven Armand (France) - About 300,000 years old. A cave with impressive and extensive stalactites and stalagmites formations, though it's mainly notable for its geological age.

Blombos Cave (South Africa) - Around 100,000 years old. This cave has yielded some of the earliest evidence of symbolic behavior in humans, including engraved ochre and shell beads.