Succession (HBO)This dark comedy-drama follows the Roy family, a powerful media and entertainment dynasty, as they grapple with succession plans when their aging patriarch's health deteriorates.
The Crown (Netflix)A historical drama that delves into the life of Queen Elizabeth II from her early days as a young princess to the present day.
Stranger Things (Netflix)A nostalgic blend of sci-fi, horror, and coming-of-age, this series captures the hearts of viewers with its endearing characters, thrilling plot, and 80s aesthetic.
Breaking Bad (AMC)A gripping crime drama that follows a high school chemistry teacher's descent into the world of drug manufacturing.
Mad Men (AMC)Set in the glamorous world of 1960s advertising, Mad Men explores themes of identity, ambition, and the changing social landscape.
Ozark (Netflix)A thrilling crime drama about a financial advisor who relocates his family to the Ozarks to launder money for a drug cartel.
The Handmaid's Tale (Hulu)A dystopian drama based on Margaret Atwood's novel, this series depicts a world where women are treated as property and forced into servitude.
Euphoria (HBO)A contemporary drama that follows a group of high school students as they navigate love, loss, identity, and addiction.
That’s Weird: Chappell Roan Rebukes Her Fans’ Invasive BehaviorThat’s Weird: Chappell Roan Rebukes Her Fans’ Invasive Behavior. In a surprising turn of events,