Top 8 Rarest Animals in the World

Vaquita (Phocoena sinus)   This small porpoise, found in the northern part of the Gulf of California, is considered the world's rarest marine mammal. 

Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii)   Native to Sumatra, Indonesia, this great ape is critically endangered with fewer than 14,000 individuals remaining.

Amur Leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis)  With fewer than 100 individuals left in the wild, the Amur leopard is critically endangered.

Kakapo (Strigops habroptilus)  Also known as the owl parrot, the Kakapo is a flightless nocturnal parrot native to New Zealand.

Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita)   This critically endangered bird, which once ranged across Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, now has a very limited population primarily in Morocco.

Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)   Known for its beautiful shell, the Hawksbill turtle is critically endangered with fewer than 25,000 nesting females estimated to remain.

Saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis)   Often referred to as the "Asian unicorn," the Saola is a critically endangered bovid native to the Annamite Range of Vietnam and Laos.

Saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis)   Often referred to as the "Asian unicorn," the Saola is a critically endangered bovid native to the Annamite Range of Vietnam and Laos.